Michael O'Connor, Author at SciFiNow - Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
Supernatural: The check list

Supernatural: The check list

Supernatural’s main story is done, we check through our previous questions. Needless to say, spoilers.

Monsters. Aliens. Robots. And, uh, Scientists…

Monsters. Aliens. Robots. And, uh, Scientists…

Acclaimed science-fiction writer Phillip Palmer’s latest novel Red Claw confirms his status as a new voice well worth listening to. Ahead of its October release, SciFiNow caught up with the author and his publisher Orbit to get the inside scoop.

In the news…15-19 June 2009

In the news…15-19 June 2009

It’s almost over for another week. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you may be in an office for another five hours, but it can’t be all that bad when the weekend is just around the corner. Unless you work weekends, in which case, you have our condolences. But fear not! Veteran … Continued

In the news…8-12 June 2009

In the news…8-12 June 2009

Veteran end-of-the-week pub trip survivor Michael O’Connor is here to keep you occupied midway through the excitement of Friday, with a round-up of the week’s major headlines.
