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What in the name of gamma is going on with this Hulk trailer? This morning I’ve just watched what, without sound, I would have assumed was a teaser for the upcoming film that seemingly has sod all to do with the Ang Lee effort and everything to do with the TV show. Unfortunately the volume was turned on and my ears were suddenly opened to the cacophony of desperate marketing. This was no mere teaser, this was an advert for a trailer. It even had a voiceover man demanding everyone tune in to MTV at a certain time to see the full trailer debut. Fancy the notion that thousands of people are no going to switch on their telly to wait for the adverts. A terrible state of affairs.
It’s almost as if the suits are so aware that a film’s quality has little to do with its success that they’d rather invest their efforts into more exciting marketing campaigns. Why bother making a good 100 minutes when all you need is a great 2? Soon they’ll be getting Spielberg in to compose the trailers and some nincompoop to film the rest. It’s a sad truth to accept, but it’s now more about the packaging than it’s ever been, and I hate it.