Man Of Steel is shocking, disrespectful and lazy
If you hated Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel, this opinion piece explains why (spoilers)
If you hated Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel, this opinion piece explains why (spoilers)
Why Zack Snyder will get Superman wrong with Man Of Steel… and why Lois & Clark got it so right
Your online guide to disliking Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises
The wait is over. The first teaser to Zack Snyder’s biggest of big screen challenges is here.
Demontide author, William Hussey, on Witchfinder: Gallows At Twilight
If you like Back To The Future, don’t read on…
We sit down with screenwriters Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese to talk about the zombie comedy sequel.
The most exciting, gripping, downright amazing reader survey this side of the galaxy.
The first major blockbuster of the summer season… and the first major disappointment
One man and his computer.
We doff our cap, but not to Who you might think…
…but I’m still right about The End Of Time.
Why award glory for Cameron’s 3D epic isn’t just undeserved, it’s unwanted
…and five reasons why we don’t.
Recently, SciFiNow spoke to comic book legend and game designer Joe Madureira about new adventure title, Darksiders. Here’s what the super-artist had to say… We’re big fans… Not everyone is, believe me. We once went into a comic shop and they criticised how you drew elbows. Elbows? I’ve gotten like faces and noses but not … Continued
The Darksiders creator gives his thoughts on the mega Marvel blockbuster
A few thoughts on the conclusion of RTD’s run as chief-Who operator.
Spoiler alert! The SciFiNow team talk Na’vi, Cameron and dashed hopes.
The SciFiNow team look back at 2009 to review their sci-fi highs and lows.
The Nemesis List wins top prize in SciFiNow and Tor UK competition