The Human Centipede 3 first picture: “not as gross”

First look at Tom Six’s The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence shows returning cast


The first picture from The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence has been released, showing Dieter Laser and Laurence R Harvey as their new characters in Tom Six’s sequel.

The pic (from EW) shows the returning cast members, who Six describes as playing “very different characters that will put Dr Heiter and Martin in the shade. Laurence played a mute in Part 2; now he is a smart guy with a whole lot of dialogue. Dieter played a cold, restrained doctor in Part 1; now he is a loud, racist, sadistic a–hole. Robert Lasardo plays a very cool, daring part, and I gave ex-porn star Bree Olson her first break as a serious actress, and she does one hell of a job. Eric [Roberts] plays an a–hole governor. I play ‘Tom Six’ in the movie, which is an Oscar nomination performance.”

Six confirmed to EW that the film will feature a 500-person centipede, which he will achieve “By having a lot of brave American extras and doing it the megalomanic way like they did in Spartacus. F— CGI-created things.”

As to the plot, Six is keeping his body horror cards close to his chest. “THC Part 3 will be totally different from Parts 1 and 2 and certainly not as gross. But it will be the most controversial one politically-wise. It will have a lot of self-mockery and will be the most darkly comical of the three. Parts 1 and 2 have a very European feel. Part 3 is very American with the highest budget, a big movie score, widescreen, and an XXL human centipede. It’s set in an American maximum security prison in the middle of the desert. Plot-wise I won’t share details yet but if you let your imagination run wild you might get ideas.”

The Human Centipede 3 will be released later in 2014. You can buy The Human Centipede 1-2 on DVD for £9.99 at