Episode 09: Life
US Air Date: 20 November 2009
Writer: Carl Binder
Director: Alex Chapple
As the crew of Destiny go about their daily routines Rush uncovers an unexplored section of the ship. Upon further investigation Greer and the team discover a special chair in the centre of one room, Rush explains that this could hold the master code to the ship’s system. But the cost of using said chair could be fatal. As events transpire Rush discovers that they have unlocked data on the whereabouts of hundreds of Stargates dotted on planets throughout the galaxy. He finds one, which could be reached to contact Earth from. When it is discovered that Rush is tinkering with facts to raise hopes on the ship, Young demands he sit in the chair to get the code. As the episode comes full circle we realise that Young has been using the stones to coordinate an assault on Telford back on Earth.