Thor Ragnarok adds Dredd and Independence Day stars

Plus new concept art revealed for Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok

Well, that’s that then. In one fell swoop, Thor: Ragnarok has rose sharply up the list of Marvel films we’re most looking forward to. In addition to confirmation that Cate Blanchett and Tessa Thompson would be playing Hela and Valkyrie respectively (two strong female characters, both of which are excellent additions to the MCU), we also have confirmation that Jeff Goldblum and Karl Urban have been added to the cast.

Goldblum, needless to say, is the one that has really got us excited. So often the best thing in pretty much everything he does, here’ll be playing the Grandmaster, one of the ageless Elders of the universe. It’s unknown exactly how he’ll fit in here (we figure Thanos might be involved, considering their ties in the comics), but his presence suggests the kind of stakes that are in place.

Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day

Also on board is SciFiNow favourite Karl Urban, who’ll follow up Star Trek Beyond by playing presumed antagonist Skurge the Executioner. Half Asgardian, half Frost Giant, he crosses paths with Thor numerous times in the comics, usually ending up on the losing side. We assume he’ll be the muscle, probably acting on behalf of Loki and/or Hela.

Karl Urban in Star Trek Beyond

In addition, a number of returning cast members have been confirmed. While the likes of Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk) will come as no surprise, it’s also good to see that Anthony Hopkins (Odin) and Idris Elba (Heimdall), whose statuses were less certain, will also make an appearance. Coupled with the reveal of the first piece of concept art from the film, and things have suddenly got that bit more exciting.

Speaking of the casting, Marvel president Kevin Feige said, “The continuation of the epic Thor franchise will be powerful and unique, and with the additions of Cate, Jeff, Tessa, Karl, and Mark to the cast we have the makings of his most dangerous and heroic adventure yet. The sheer, raw talent each of these actors brings to the screen can’t be quantified. Having any one of them join the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be an honour, and having all of them is incredible.”

Thor: Ragnarok will be released in cinemas on 27 October 2017. You can download The 25 Greatest Marvel Comics Ever digital edition from For more news about the biggest movies, pick up the new issue of SciFiNow.