The Walking Dead Season 2: Could Shane be killed off? - SciFiNow

The Walking Dead Season 2: Could Shane be killed off?

Shane actor Jon Bernthal reportedly in talks for Frank Darabont’s new series, LA Noir

The Walking Dead actor Jon Bernthal is reportedly in talks to join Frank Darabont’s new pilot, the TNT period cop drama LA Noir, according to sources speaking to Variety. Although discussions are reportedly very early on, the idea of them happening at all indicates that the future may not be bright for Shane in the show – especially as this is a character who dies a notably early death in the comic books. Bernthal is reportedly in contention for a lead role as a cop in LA Noir.

Bernthal discussed his continued survival in the show with us last year, which you can read here – in our minds, he’s obviously the most fascinating character in the series right now.

You can see a preview of the second half of the series, which returns on FX UK in February, here.