Episode 06: The Left Hand
US Air Date: 04 December 2009
Writer: Tracy Bellomo
Director: Wendey Stanzler
Echo and Perrin are still being held in captivity; while Perrin pleads with Cindy, Bennett forces Echo to view a memory. Said memory depicts a moment in the past where Caroline/Echo leaves Bennett with her arm mangled and trapped. Perrin and Echo then escape, but unknown to them Bennett is watching the whole thing. She bangs her head purposely and then tells Topher that Echo attacked her and kidnapped Perrin. The devious Bennett then goes to visit Adelle with a plan to tap into both Echo and Perrin without physically finding them. The plan works and immediately Perrin is affected; in a frenzy he attacks Echo. Topher soon gets wise to what Bennett is up to and dutifully knocks her out. Cindy comes just at the right time to stop her husband, but in his state he strangles her to death. Before Perrin can do more harm, both Topher and Victor reverse these effects. The episode ends with Perrin storming a press conference with some home truths, and Echo walking the streets a free woman.