Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich red band trailer is full of guts, gore and Nazi puppets

The trailer for Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich earns that red-band status

The new trailer for Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich is here and good lord, it is working to get that red-band warning. It also looks like it could be a hell of a lot of fun, so give it a look.

The new take on Full Moon’s cult horror franchise puts a new spin on the puppets and Toulon’s evil, and stars Thomas Lennon, Jenny Pellicer, Nelson Franklin, Charlyne Yi, Michael Pare, Alex Beh, Skeeta Jenkins with genre legends Barbara Crampton and Udo Kier.

“Edgar is recently divorced and returns to his childhood home where he finds a nefarious looking puppet in his deceased brother’s room. He decides to sell the doll for some quick cash at a small-town convention celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose when a strange force animates the puppets at the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree that’s motivated by an evil as old as time.”

Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich is screening at FrightFest. You can read our review here.