Download the Batman and Superman Secret Files now!

From the makers of SciFiNow comes the 2 greatest digital editions ever

To celebrate the upcoming release of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, the makers of SciFiNow have put together two truly epic digital editions that everyone needs to get their virtual hands on

First up is our guide to the world’s greatest detective, Gotham’s Dark Knight: the Batman Secret Files.

Feast your eyes on expertly written features that take you from the character’s creation all the way through to his latest incarnation in the epic Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice.Spread 1

There are interviews with iconic writers such as Frank Miller and Jim Lee, we investigate the case of Bill Finger’s missing credit, and break down the absolutely essential storylines.

We remember the landmark TV series, the gothic brilliance of the Tim Burton films, and how Christopher Nolan brought Gotham into the real world.Spread 2

Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the Caped Crusader, this is a collection you can’t afford to miss.

Also from the makers of SciFiNow comes the Superman Secret Files digital edition, a must-have for any fan of the Man of Steel! It’s everything you’d ever need to know about Superman, all in one place.

Start at the very beginning with interviews with a range of Superman comics artists, including John Romita Jr and Jim Lee, and join us as we take a look at how Kal-El became the culture icon he is today.Spread 3

From there, journey through the best (and worst) adaptations with behind-the-scenes secrets and exclusive interviews from Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of SupermanSmallvilleSuperman IISuperman ReturnsMan Of Steel, 2016’s Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and more.

We also investigate how Superman impacted the world of geekdom, break down essential facts and figures from Batman V Superman with some helpful infographics and find out who would win in a fight between Christopher Lee and Brandon Routh. You can also test your Man of Steel knowledge once and for all with our Superman quiz. Spread 4

The Superman: Secret Files and Batman: Secret Files digital editions are available to download from iTunes for £2.29 now!