Can Inception pave the way for riskier sci-fi projects?

You know it makes sense.

Zero G fighting in InceptionInception was (and is, I suppose, depending on its success internationally in the coming weeks) a huge risk, for Warner Bros. Of course, the studio was right to take it, given the seemingly unbreakable winning streak of director Christopher Nolan, but I bet there was a bit of trepidation as to whether the gambit would pay off or not.

Inception did great business over the weekend. The unconventional ‘dream heist’ premise led Warner to market it as an event picture, and, even though the cast was composed of well-known faces, the magic of the movie is that it doesn’t conform to the usual summer tentpole template. It’s a refreshing piece of work.

So, I’m optimistic it will lead to riskier Hollywood genre projects. Clearly, with the right vision, intelligence and hard work on the part of the director, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t have more high-quality summer blockbusters in the summer months. This year, the contrast in quality between Inception and the rest of the summer flock should teach us that it’s worth movie studios taking a leap of faith from time to time.