Our brand-new bookazine has hit the shelves and we’re really excited about it! The 100 All-Time Greatest Comics is here and it it full of the must-read comics of, well, all-time!
Full to the brim of the best of Marvel and DC, we teamed them up with some of those non-superhero types that we think you absolutely need to read. From Akira to The Walking Dead to Sandman to Watchmen.
And not only that, there are some exclusive interviews with the creators of the comics, we talk to Brian K Vaughn and the one-and-only Alan Moore about their graphic novel creations and get to the bottom of how Kieron Gillen got into the art of comics aged 25!
Grab your copy today from any good newsagent or from our online shop.
And don’t forget to check out the place it all came from and get Uncanny Comics today!