We’re still kind of sore about the fact that we nearly had a Deadpool animated series written by Atlanta duo Donald and Stephen Glover and then it was taken away from us, and now there’s been a bit of light shed on the reasons why the plug was pulled.
Variety reports that FX head John Landgraf spoke about the decision to pull it from their development schedule, and he put that decision firmly at the feet of Marvel.
“I think that Marvel will revive it, because they have the rights. They own the IP and they have the rights to do an animated adult series based on any of the X-Men characters, and based on Deadpool specifically. They didn’t want to do the show that Donald and Stephen [Glover] wrote.”
“We would have done show that Donald and Stephen wrote, but it wasn’t our decision,” he continued. “When Marvel decided not to do that show, we parted company with them as did Donald and Stephen. Now it’s totally up to them [Marvel] whether they hire someone else to do a different show.”
Donald Glover made his disappointment clear following the initial announcement by tweeting a script, clearing up rumours that he’d left the project because he’s so incredibly busy. Could someone show Marvel Atlanta, maybe that’d change their minds?
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