Warner Bros producer and serial leakerer Daniel Alter revealed another nugget on Twitter about Zack Snyder’s eagerly anticipated Man Of Steel sequel – tentatively referred to as Batman Vs Superman – suggesting that a classic 90s comic-book nemesis will be returning to challenge Kal-El of Krypton.
Super-strong killing machine Doomsday first appeared in the apocalyptic Death Of Superman storyline in 1992, and in the aftermath a number of other heroes emerged to fill the void.
In previous interviews, one of the ongoing plot points for the Man Of Steel series was revealed to be other superheroes emerging inspired by Superman’s example, but now Doomsday has entered the equation, we’re forced to ask whether the Last Son of Krypton have to die for this to happen?
Kingdom Come and The Dark Knight Returns, the two other classic stories namechecked so far, have a similarly apocalyptic tone, looking at Superman’s legacy and taking him to the edge with an epic beatdown.
It’s worth noting that when we spoke to Henry Cavill for our Man Of Steel cover feature, the star flagged up The Death Of Superman as one of his favourite stories, saying, “It’s a true showing of what the character is capable of.”
Read our review of Man Of Steel here and our defence of Ben Affleck here. Man Of Steel is out to own 2 December 2013 – pre-order it on Blu-ray for £18.50, DVD for £12.75 or 3D Blu-ray for £20.50 from Amazon.co.uk