Don’t Look Away: Mannequin curse horror to be released this September

Upcoming horror Don’t Look Away has a murderous mannequin and a disturbing disco bloodbath. Watch the trailer…

Don't Look Away

A college student accidentally unleashes a curse, and is stalked by a seemingly unstoppable – and murderous – mannequin in Don’t Look Away, a new horror from writer/director Michael Bafaro out this September.

Check out the trailer…

After accidentally killing someone with her car, college student Frankie spots a mannequin standing in the middle of the street. She soon discovers that she is the recipient of a fatal curse and begins seeing the mannequin everywhere she goes. Frankie’s friends don’t believe her seemingly paranoid ravings, until they too begin to see the mannequin and must band together to stay alive.

Written and directed by Michael Bafaro (The Barber), the movie stars Kelly Bastard, in her debut feature.

Don’t Look Away will be released digitally in the UK on 25 September. Watch more trailers at the SciFiNow YouTube channel