Out this April on Netflix and directed by Zack Snyder, Rebel Moon — Part Two: The Scargiver continues the epic saga set after the dramatic events of Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child From Fire. It follows Kora and the surviving warriors as they prepare to sacrifice everything, fighting alongside the brave people of Veldt, to defend a once peaceful village, a newfound homeland for those who have lost their own in the fight against the Motherworld.
On the eve of their battle the warriors must face the truths of their own pasts, each revealing why they fight. As the full force of the Realm bears down on the burgeoning rebellion, unbreakable bonds are forged, heroes emerge, and legends are made.
We sat down with Rebel Moon: Part Two stars Sofia Boutella and Staz Nair – who play Kora and Tarak respectively – who talk to us about their characters in the sci-fi movie, working with Zack Snyder, working hard those abs and whether they’d be interested in a Rebel Moon: Part Three.
Watch out exclusive video interview here…
Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire is now playing on Netflix.Rebel Moon — Part Two: The Scargiver premieres on Netflix 19 April 2024.
Watch more videos, exclusive interview and trailers at the SciFiNow YouTube channel.