The First Bright Thing: Exclusive cover reveal and first look at upcoming magical fantasy - SciFiNow

The First Bright Thing: Exclusive cover reveal and first look at upcoming magical fantasy

We exclusively reveal the cover for J.R. Dawson’s magical fantasy The First Bright Thing PLUS give readers a sneak peek into the novel before it’s published next summer.

Three magically gifted women are building a home for those who are lost in J.R. Dawson’s upcoming magical fantasy The First Bright Thing and not only are we delighted to exclusively reveal its dazzling cover above, we are you giving you a first look at the novel with a sneak peek inside it!

But first, check out the official synopsis for The First Bright Thing…

Welcome to The Circus of The Fantasticals—a show like no other, starring magicians and outcasts who elsewhere are hunted and feared…

During World War I, people across the globe woke up one day with unexplained abilities, and these select few became known as Sparks. Now, it’s 1926, and three magically gifted women are building a home for those who are lost, risking everything for love, and perhaps leaving the world a bit brighter than they found it.

Welcome to the Ringmaster’s world: The Circus of The Fantasticals. Here, Ringmaster—Rin, to those who know her best—runs a show like no other, starring magicians and outcasts who elsewhere are hunted and feared.

Together, Mauve, a seer; Odette, a healer; and the Ringmaster, a time traveler, tour the country with their fellow Sparks, performing, avoiding arrest, and hoping each day to use their magic to change one person’s life for the better.

But another war is on the horizon, and another circus follows the Fantasticals. One with tents as black as midnight, whose leader has a dark power and even darker desires. The Fantasticals have something he desperately seeks, and he will not stop until it is his.

Want to find out more about Mauve, Odette, and the Ringmaster? Of course you do! Check out a sneak peek into the book by using your own magical powers and clicking on the image below…