True Blood’s Kristin Bauer van Straten on the Pam-Tara sex scene

True Blood’s Pam on the sex scene we never saw

Pam and Tara share a smooch in the Season 5 finale
Pam and Tara share a smooch in the Season 5 finale

True Blood never usually passes up an opportunity for a controversial or x-rated scene, but that’s exactly what happened to Pam and Tara. Actress Kristin Bauer van Straten plays Pam, the vampire who turned Tara in Season Five after she suffered a shotgun blast to the head (a bullet meant for Sookie).

The pair have since grown closer, climaxing in a kiss in the Season Five finale, but fans were meant to see a whole lot more. In an interview with Vulture, Bauer imagined what that scene might have been like…

They got to cuddle on the beach, but I could swear they mentioned that they had had sex, and I was trying to figure out when did that happen?
Yeah! [Laughs.] I was, too. There have been many different revisions and different scripts, and there was a time where there was a version of a script where we did see more of that. But now, I’m not exactly sure when and where the writers are referring to. When would they have had time to do this? Before storming the Authority? I remember when I said, “We drank a bitch together, that doesn’t make us Oprah and Gayle,” so was it then? I don’t think so, because that first kiss felt like a first kiss, back in episode 12 of last season. So I’m imagining it was on the beach in the first episode of this season. That’s a possibility. What I’m imagining is that it was fairly tender and intimate, because that moment on the beach is a vulnerable moment that Pam allows to happen, and they’re really bonding. Pam can be like a turtle and pull back into her shell, so I think this was a real first for Pam, to be vulnerable and have another human being — well, another being, another entity, comfort her. She’s only had that with Eric.

True Blood is currently airing on HBO in the US and will come to the UK later this year on FOX.