“My favourite Lucy is Season Three Lucy.” The Devil’s Hour stars on Season Two and Three

The Devil’s Hour stars Jessica Raine and Peter Capaldi talk about Season Two of the sci-fi mystery series and even give us some insights into Season Three.

Lucy (Jessica Raine) and Gideon (Peter Capaldi) are back for The Devil’s Hour Season Two this week, which sees the two forming an uneasy alliance in order to prevent a recurring tragedy and hunt down an elusive monster.

Lucy’s double life sees her torn between family and duty as she finds herself in the crosshairs of her past-life husband, DI Ravi Dhillon (Nikesh Patel). Assisting Dhillon in his investigation is DS Sam Boyd (Saffron Hocking) who was mentored by DI Lucy Chambers in a previous life. Meanwhile, Isaac (Benjamin Chivers) is discovering new emotions every day and struggling to keep his balance in a reality that rejects his existence. Fresh mysteries unfold as our stories converge on one explosive moment that will change the fate of our characters for the rest of their ever-recurring lives.

We sat down with Jessica Raine and Peter Capaldi to find out more about Season Two and with the third and final season already finished filming, we find out what the show has in store for us…

What’s it like coming back to these two characters for Season Two of The Devil’s Hour?

Peter Capaldi: Good fun! Well I found it good fun because in Season One, I’d just been chained to a table, and so in the second season I got to stand up, go out in the fresh air and to work with Jessica and and just do some more thrillery type stuff.

Jessica Raine: Yeah, running around… guns… love that for us! This was definitely more challenging than series one for me because I was flipping between two characters, and it was really cool, I can’t deny it. It was absolutely like a dream come true.

It was a lot of sitting in the makeup chair, because literally, some days I was Detective Inspector Lucy in the morning, original Lucy at lunchtime, and then back to Detective Inspector Lucy for the afternoon and evening.

So it was like a whirlwind. It was very, very tough, but it’s a dream. It definitely keeps things interesting.

Jessica, what’s it like for you to play the same character as a different person this season?

Jessica Raine: Just absolutely incredible! You see every facet of Lucy. You get to really do a deep dive and you get more of a backstory as DI Lucy Chambers.

This time for me, the highlight of this series was doing stunts and being able to handle armory because that’s never been asked of me before. I was ready for some running around, some fighting. I wanted blood capsules in the mouth, I wanted to spit them out, I wanted to swear, I wanted to punch people. It was very cathartic.

Do you have a favourite version of Lucy?

Jessica Raine: I love them all, but my favourite Lucy is Season Three Lucy, which we can’t talk about, but that is definitely my favourite Lucy. If you think DI Lucy is tough, you go up a few more notches for Season Three.

Jessica Raine enjoyed playing badass DI Lucy in Season Two of The Devil’s Hour, but there’s an even better Lucy to come in Season Three.

Peter, where do we see Gideon in Season Two?

Peter Capaldi: You see him so much more in action. Because he’s the only one that knows what’s going on. He invites us and gives us the key to the show, but in the second season, that knowledge is shared with Lucy, so the pair of them are now these slightly lonely figures who are bound together.

You’ll see him having a spikier relationship. It was easier to be in the interview room than it is to be in these circumstances that are more fraught.

You will see his commitment to the pursuit of his crusade, which he only sort of talked about in the first season. This time, he’s got a thing that he wants to achieve, and he’s quite ruthless about trying to achieve that.

Jessica Raine: It’s a heroic pursuit, whilst I think one was slightly tricked in season one, like ‘this man’s evil, this man’s insane. He’s hunting Lucy down’ – well, now you kind of understand what his philosophy is and why he does what he does. He’s more, in my eyes, a hero. But he’s a crusader and he recruits Lucy in the cause. Lucy’s not that happy about it, but she believes in the cause too.

The antagonistic relationship between Lucy and Gideon was really fun to play.

Gideon manages to get out of the interview room in Season Two of The Devil’s Hour.

How does Gideon and Lucy’s relationship evolve throughout Season Two?

Peter Capaldi: Well, because we’ve already done Season Three, there are already little easter eggs and seeds of where that’s going (without giving anything away) –  I think you will see that they become more bonded. That’s not necessarily a comfortable thing, but it is definitely the direction they’re moving.

What are you looking forward to audiences seeing in Season Two?

Jessica Raine: I had a really epic fight that I did, that I loved. It was with horrible Steve Dunn [Jimmy Walker]. I got really thrown around, and it was really creepy. He’s an incredible actor. He played it really well. I think he literally head-butted the door open. It was like The Shining with Jack Nicholson. I was like, ‘oh, my God, he’s terrifying!’ That was a real highlight for me. Despite having a pretty bad back afterwards, I still loved it…!

Peter Capaldi: Yeah, I’m looking forward to that. I think Gideon does some cooking in this season. There are some food-related scenes and there are a number of restaurant visits. So I look forward to the audience seeing Gideon getting a good table in a restaurant… though hopefully not opposite any of you!

The Devil’s Hour Season Two will be released on Prime Video on 18 October.

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