10. ‘The Last Day’
Season Two, Episode 44
Features a giant Mumm-Ra destroying the ThunderCats’ homes and vehicles. Arguably the closest he got to winning.
9. ‘Exodus’
Season One, Episode One
The episode that started it all! We meet the ThunderCats and Mutants for the first time as they battle for possession of the Eye of Thundera.
8. ‘The Unholy Alliance’
Season One, Episode Two
The second part of the ThunderCats dual-episode debut sees Lion-O and Mumm-Ra square off for the first time.
7. ‘ThunderCats Ho!’
Season Two, Episodes One to Five
This TV movie doubled as the precursor to the second season, and introduced three new ThunderCats: Bengali, Lynx-O and Pumyra. Also features every ThunderCats villain you can think of.
6. ‘The Telepathy Beam’
Season Three, Episode 33
One of Cheetara’s finest moments, as her telepathic powers save the day in a display of true ThunderCat girl power.
5. ‘Return To Thundera’
Season One, Episode 20
Lion-O travels back in time to give us a close look at the ThunderCats’ home planet, reuniting with his father, Claudus, in the process. Also features the fearsome Plun-Darrian Warbot!
4. ‘The Ghost Warrior’
Season One, Episode 11
The ThunderCats battle the ghost of Grune the Destroyer, a former ThunderCat turned to evil.
3. ‘Lion-O’s Anointment’
Season One, Episodes 37, 42, 46, 50 and 61
A five-part arc with one of the series’ most unique storylines, as Lion-O has to earn his title of Lord of the ThunderCats by completing the Anointment Trials, pitting his wits against the elements, and even against his fellow ThunderCats!
2. Mumm-Ra Lives!
Season Two, Episodes Six to 10
This five-part introduction to the second season debuted new villains, The Lunataks. These six characters would divide opinion among ThunderCats fans for years to come, loved by many but hated in equal measure.
1.’Snarf Takes Up The Challenge’
Season One, Episode 25
The episode that proves beyond doubt that the ThunderCats’ bumbling sidekick is more than just, er, a bumbling sidekick!
Find out more at ThunderCatsLair.org. Pick up ThunderCats: The Complete Collection on DVD for £29 from Amazon.co.uk.