G.I. Joe Archives - SciFiNow - Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
In the news…8-12 June 2009

In the news…8-12 June 2009

Veteran end-of-the-week pub trip survivor Michael O’Connor is here to keep you occupied midway through the excitement of Friday, with a round-up of the week’s major headlines.

Paramount denies GI Joe rumours

Paramount denies GI Joe rumours

Paramount Pictures has denied that Stephen Sommers, the director of the upcoming GI Joe adaptation, has been fired from the production.

Rise of Cobra

Rise of Cobra

The full title of Stephen Sommers’ in-production adaptation of GI Joe has been revealed – GI JOE – Rise Of Cobra – indicating a possible direction the film’s story will take. The film stars Brendan Fraser as Gung Ho, Channing Tatum as Duke, Sienna Miller as The Baroness and Denis Quaid as General Hawk, as … Continued
