Doomsday Archives - SciFiNow - Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
Universal turns Blu DVD & Blu-Ray

Universal turns Blu

After announcing its switch to the Blu-ray high-def format weeks ago, Universal has finally unveiled details of its BD release schedule, and it’s good news for genre fans. First up will be The Mummy, The Mummy Returns and The Scorpion King, all released on 22 July, no doubt to tie in with the impending release … Continued

Marshall to direct sci-fi western

Marshall to direct sci-fi western

Neil Marshall has signed a deal with Rogue Pictures for his next film Sacrilege, a science fiction horror movie set in the Old West. The film, which Marshall will write and direct, will be influenced by the paranoia and tension of favourite Marshall movies such as John Carpenter’s The Thing. “It is set during the … Continued
