Batman V Superman confirms Jason Momoa Aquaman
The best thing about Jason Momoa’s Aquaman casting is that he isn’t blonde-haired and blue-eyed
The best thing about Jason Momoa’s Aquaman casting is that he isn’t blonde-haired and blue-eyed
Batman Vs Superman writer David S Goyer’s “porn-star” She-Hulk attack is crass and wrong
Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel sequel unleashes its full title: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Ben Affleck’s Batman suit is blue and grey like The Dark Knight Returns
Zack Snyder tweets a picture of Ben Affleck as Batman with the new-look Batmobile
Zack Snyder teases 1989 shape and the Tumbler wheels of the Man Of Steel 2 Batmobile,
Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines is now available on demand
“The world is ready” for a Wonder Woman movie post-Justice League, say Warner Bros
Warner Bros cast Cyborg for Man Of Steel 2 and their future Justice League movie
Ben Affleck is packing on “real-life superhero” muscles for Man Of Steel 2 #Batfleck
Wolverine, Captain America and Incredibles stars added to Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel 2
Man Of Steel 2 will “explode” The Dark Knight mythology promises director Zack Snyder
Man Of Steel 2 costume designer drops a few hints about Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman look
Man Of Steel 2 rumours reveal details about Jesse Eisenberg’s young and angry Lex Luthor
Batkid saves San Francisco in this amazing video from the Make-A-Wish Foundation
Batman Vs Superman loses its 2015 release date, Ben Affleck injury to blame?
Aquaman, Lobo and Doomsday rumours follow Dwayne Johnson talks with Warner Bros
DC’s long-mooted Shazam! film won’t happen as long as Batman Vs Superman is a hit, says director
Batman Vs Superman star Gal Gadot responds to “too skinny” Wonder Woman critics