Wolverine next film is going to be called ‘Logan’

There’s also a poster for Logan, and a cute pic from Hugh Jackman

With only five months left until its release, the new Wolverine solo film (which previously went by The Wolverine 3) finally has a title: Logan.

The title was revealed by director James Mangold in a tweet, which features a picture of the second page of the film’s script.

If you can’t quite make out what the script says, you can read the first part of it here:

Now might be a good time to talk about the ‘fights’ described in the next 100 or so pages. Basically, if you’re on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city-block destroying CG fuckathon, this ain’t your movie.

In this flick, people will get hurt or killed when shit falls on them. They will get just as hurt or just as killed if they get hit with something big and heavy like, say, a car. Should anyone in our story have the misfortune to fall off a roof or out a window, they won’t bounce. They will die.

As for our hero, well, he’s older now and it’s clear his abilities aren’t what they once were. He’s fading on the inside and his diminished healing factor keeps him in a constant state of chronic pain – hence booze as a painkiller.

Hugh Jackman himself also confirmed the title with this picture of a billboard for Logan:

… followed by this lovely one of him smiling with the billboard:

Check out a clear version of the poster below:


What a time to be alive.

Logan will be Jackman’s last Wolverine film before he hangs up his claws for good. Rather appropriately, the film is set to revolved around the ‘Wolverine: Old Man Logan‘ storyline, in which Logan is, um, an old man.

The film also stars Patrick Stewart (X-Men) as Charles Xavier, as well as Richard E Grant (Bram Stoker’s Dracula), Elizabeth Rodriguez (Orange Is The New Black), Boyd Holbrook (Narcos), Doris Morgado (Colony) and Stephen Merchant (Hello Ladies). Michael Green (American Gods) and David James Kelly wrote the screenplay.

Logan is in UK cinemas from 2 March. Get all the latest superhero movie news with every issue of SciFiNow.