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Watchmen First Look

Rorschach may have been seen previously, but following the announcements that Watchmen has wrapped, director Zack Snyder has posted images of the superheroes in full costume on the official production blog. Featured in the collection of images are The Comedian, Nite Owl, Ozymandias, Rorschach and Silk Spectre, all of which can be seen below (click … Continued

watchmen-cover.jpgRorschach may have been seen previously, but following the announcements that Watchmen has wrapped, director Zack Snyder has posted images of the superheroes in full costume on the official production blog.

Featured in the collection of images are The Comedian, Nite Owl, Ozymandias, Rorschach and Silk Spectre, all of which can be seen below (click to open in a new window).

comedianfull.jpg niteowlfull.jpg ozymandiasfull.jpg rorschachfull.jpg silkspectrefull.jpg

Watchmen is now in the post-production stages, and will be released in 2009.