Summer Glau returns to Alphas Season 2

Firefly favourite Summer Glau among the guest stars confirmed for Alphas Season 2, expected to air 23 July 2012 on Syfy in the US and soon after in the UK.

Skylar Adams Summer Glau Alphas Season 2
Skylar Adams Summer Glau Alphas Season 2
Summer Glau as Skylar Adams in Syfy’s Alphas

According toTVLine a brace of guest stars have been confirmed for Season 2 of Syfy’s superhero drama Alphas, including a returning role from Firefly, The Cape and Sarah Connor Chronicles star Summer Glau, who will be reprising the role of the super-smart Skylar Adams for three episodes.

Other guests confirmed include Lord Of The RingsSean Astin, and returning roles from Stargate Universe‘s Kathleen Munroe as empath Dani and Caprica‘s John Pyper-Ferguson as “Perfect Alpha” Stanton Parish.