While the prequel trilogy’s young, swashbuckling Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ewan McGregor, only learned about Disney’s plans to make standalone Star Wars movies live on air as a guest on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, he’s since had a chance to think about it, and has thrown his brown Jedi hood into the ring, pitching a pre-Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope tale of the reclusive Ben Kenobi, battling Tuskan Raiders and evading the Empire in the wilds of the Outer Rim.
“I think it’s a good idea,” McGregor told MTV. “The only bit that I could get away with doing is after the last one I made, Episode III, before Alec Guinness, there’s that period where he’s in the desert.
“That might be my window, there, to tell that story. I don’t know what he did in the desert. We could make up some stuff. Could be quite exciting. I’d be up for it, for sure, of course.”
You can buy Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray from Amazon.co.uk for £57.99.