When Disney wrapped its white-gloved mouse hands around Lucasfilm, it looked like Seth Green’s Star Wars: Detours animated sketch show was going to go the way of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but according to the Robot Chicken creator and former Buffy wolfboy, it’s merely pausing for breath.
Speaking to fans during a Reddit Q&A, Green said, “So there’s actually been quite a bit of talk about this, but Detours is just on hold currently. We have 39 finished episodes and around 62 finished scripts. But that entire show was created before the decision to make more Star Wars movies, so our show (which was created by George Lucas) is an animated sitcom in the world of Star Wars, so we had a lot of conversations with Kathleen Kennedy about Star Wars in not just the next three years but the next 30 years, and when you’re in as privileged a position as we were to be able to work on Star Wars content with its creator, you get a great sense of responsibility to the whole.

“I was introduced to Star Wars as a child and it was without any ironic or comedic lens, so I saw Darth Vader as scary, and I saw all of those messages very very clearly. We didn’t think it made any sense, in anticipation of these new movies coming out, to spend the next three years with an animated sitcom as three generations’ of kids first introduction to the Star Wars universe.
“I do feel that Detours is a timeless bit of entertainment. Media distribution is changing so quickly, so dramatically, that can you even imagine what distribution of content will look like in five years? In a day and age when Netflix series are nominated for the top accolades TV has to offer, who is to say what it will look like when the new Star Wars movie comes out? So Detours can sit on a shelf until the Star Wars movie comes out without losing any of its lustre, because what we’ve created is very funny, very smart and like I said before, timeless.”
Pick up Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode II on DVD for £6.25 or Blu-ray for £19.94 from Amazon.co.uk.