Reaper S01E18 - SciFiNow

Reaper S01E18

Episode 18: Cancun
US Air Date: 20/05/08
Writers: Tara Butters, Tom Spezialy & Michele Fazekas
Director: Stephen Cragg

episode_s1_018Episode 18: Cancun
US Air Date: 20/05/08
Writers: Tara Butters, Tom Spezialy & Michele Fazekas
Director: Stephen Cragg

Tony and another demon decide to test Sam, dropping a washing machine on him. He manages to escape unharmed, convincing them of his powers. Ben is released from prison, and journeys home alone, as nobody remembered to pick him up. Sam goes home to find his parents arguing, and Mr Oliver stands in a chalk circle to address him. The Devil teleports Sam to a lottery office and Sam queries him about his parents. The Devil avoids the question, and assigns Sam his target soul, Madame Ozera, a genuinely gifted fortune-teller. Later at the store, Josie breaks up with Sock, while Sam becomes convinced that Steve the demon is in the store. Tony arrives and asks Sam for a favour, showing him a cage designed by King Solomon to contain the Devil. Sam refuses to be involved, even if it is just using his employee discount, and Sock volunteers his. He notes Marlena, a female demon helping Tony. They flirt and later kiss, making Sock collapse. Ben wakes him later, and he feels full of new strength. The Devil transports Sam to a baseball field, and quizzes him about Tony’s rebellion. Initially Sam lies, but the Devil forces him to answer truthfully. The Devil decides the cage poses no threat, and buys Sam a beer. Sam and Sock locate the escaped soul, but before they leave Steve appears to Sam telling him to “ask about Cancun”. Sock visits Marlena again, learning that she’s a Succubus, taking a year off the life of any man she kisses. Despite this, Sock first decides they should meet once a year, then they both decide not to wait that long at all. Sam and Sock confront Oreza and when she realises Sam is the Reaper, she magically suspends him in the air, choking him. Sock helps keep him elevated as they chase her, allowing him to breathe. Sock manages to hit Oreza with the baseball vessel, capturing her and freeing Sam from the spell. Sam confronts his Mr Oliver about his lies, and he relents enough to tell him that he is forbidden from revealing the truth. After leaving, Sam gets a call from Tony asking him to come to the cage site. Once there, Tony imprisons Sam in the cage and tells him he is the son of the Devil, and his parents made a deal to bear Satan’s child. Mr Oliver arrives to try to explain, but is knocked out and thrown in the cage. As a last resort, Sam asks Tony what Steve said about Cancun, prompting Steve’s arrival in angelic form. Tony realises that he can’t kill Sam and turns to his demonic form to save him. Mr Oliver is buried in the cage. Sam tells his mother of Mr Oliver’s death, but she doesn’t seem very moved. As Sam leaves, the Devil pays his respects and Sam demands a direct answer, but receives nothing. As Sam and his friends drown their sorrows in a bar, Mrs Oliver exhumes Mr Oliver, revealing him to be very much alive.