The vile body-shaming of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman in Zack Snyder’s Batman Vs Superman-themed Man Of Steel sequel continues in suitably dispiriting fashion, with Israeli TV show Good Evening With Gai Pines (via asking if it’s a problem that DC Comics’ Amazonian princess is typically depicted (by lonely men) as having considerably larger boobs.
“I represent the Wonder Women of the new world,” said Gadot, to her credit.
“Breasts… anyone can buy for 9,000 shekels and everything is fine. By the way, Wonder Woman is Amazonian and historically accurate Amazonian women actually had only one breast. So, if I’d really go ‘by the book’…it’d be problematic.”

She also shed a little light on her training regime, which should shut down some of the critics.
“It’s the physical preparations that I’m starting now,” said Gadot. “A very serious training regime – kung fu, kickboxing, swords, jujutsu, Brazilian…1,000 and 1 things. I’ll gain body mass.”
Hurray! Now, let’s stop talking about it until we’ve actually seen her in action, yeah?
Read our review of Man Of Steel here and our defence of Ben Affleck’s casting here and of Gal Gadot’s casting here. Man Of Steel is out now, get it on Blu-ray for £18.50, DVD for £12.75 or 3D Blu-ray for £20.50 from