Kick-Ass creator Mark Millar has announced that a sequel to the unreleased comic book adaptation is already on the cards.
“Kick-Ass 2 is already being plotted out. We’re planning it, because all the actors are quite young and we have to make it relatively quickly. So we’ll definitely do that inside the next 18 to 24 months.”
In his interview with Sci Fi Wire, Millar then went on to compare the success of his other comic book series, Wanted, with Kick-Ass’s box office potential:
“Wanted made a fortune. It made a ton of money, and it was a property nobody had ever heard of. And I think Kick-Ass is going to be even bigger. Everybody who’s seen bits of it were rubbing their hands together with excitement because they think they’ve stumbled onto something very big. So I can’t complain. It’s not been a genius plan of mine or anything. It’s just been a bunch of happy accidents that led to this.”
If this prediction is to be true, then Kick-Ass will have to really clean up at the box office, seeing as Wanted grossed over $350,00,000 worldwide.
Kick-Ass is currently in production and is scheduled for release later on in the year.