Who do you call when facing a threat to hot for even the Justice League to handle? The Justice League Dark, that’s all, a team of disparate heroes who band together to face off against Earth’s most dire supernatural threats.
While Justice League Dark has long been trumpeted for a big-screen version (Guillermo del Toro in particular has been vocal in making one), it hasn’t quite happened yet, and with Warner Bros currently running the monopoly on DC’s cinematic heroics, it doesn’t look likely to happen any time soon. Still, in the meantime we have this animated movie – out later this year – which sees John Constantine, Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Dead Man, the Demon Etrigan and Black Orchid team up against monsters most foul.
Interestingly, the Justice League are present (the story takes place through the eyes of a none-more-cynical Batman, voiced by the returning Jason O’Mara), although they’re not the main focus of the story, instead leaving this to characters like Constantine, who himself is voiced by Matt Ryan (who played the character in both his short-lived series and in his one-episode cameo on Arrow).
Apart from that, it’s probably easier to just watch the extended sneak peek below, complete with creator interviews, footage and comic-book panels. Clearly this is still in the early stages, with storyboards being used as a substitute for animation in a number of instances, but we’re definitely pretty happy with what we’ve seen so far.
And who knows – if this is successful enough then that might kick-start a potential live-action movie. The del Toro dream is still very much alive.
Justice League Dark will be available to watch later in 2016. You can download The 25 Greatest DC Comics Ever digital edition from GreatDigitalMags.com now. For all the latest movie news, pick up the new issue of SciFiNow.