Justice League Dark film moves ahead with new director

Bourne Identity director nabbed for Justice League Dark

Bittersweet news this morning. First, the sweet: after a lengthy time languishing in development hell, DC is pushing ahead with a live-action Justice League Dark movie (a separate entity from the animated one that is currently being made), and has even hired a director in the form of Doug Liman.

Consisting primarily of the more magic-orientated citizens of the DC Universe (such as John Constantine, Swamp Thing, Dead Man, Zatana and many more), the movie’s origins can be traced back to Guillermo del Toro’s original plans to direct the project, although according to The Hollywood Reporter he is no longer involved with the project.

Director Doug Liman attends a special premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow" at the AMC Loews on Wednesday, May 28, 2014, in New York. New York is the final stop on a three country, three premiere in one day fan premiere tour. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)
Doug Liman will direct Justice League Dark.

While the above makes us sad (del Toro’s presence makes us at least 50% more excited for any new movie), it’s mitigated by the fact that Liman falls squarely into the ‘safe choice’ category. In addition to The Bourne Identity, he has mixed things up with Edge Of Tomorrow and Mr And Mrs Smith – all of which are deceptively more complex and interesting than they initially appear – so there’s definitely a good chance that he’ll be able to reconcile the various weird and wonderful characters of Justice League Dark.

Now for the bad news: due to his involvement, it looks like Liman will no longer be directing Gambit. With Rupert Wyatt also having departed the project recently, as well as the movie being subject to numerous script rewrites and delays, it looks like it could be a while before we see Channing Tatum’s Remy LeBeau on the big screen.

A release date for Justice League Dark is yet to be announced. You can download The 25 Greatest DC Comics Ever digital edition from GreatDigitalMags.com now. Watch our video review of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice here. For all the latest movie news, pick up the new issue of SciFiNow.