Guillermo del Toro’s Justice League Dark movie is go

Guillermo del Toro confirms characters for supernatural superhero movie Dark Universe

Deadman and John Constantine on the cover of Justice League Dark issue 3

Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro‘s supernatural DC Comics movie – referred to as Justice League Dark by fans in reference to the current DC superteam comprising of the same characters – is officially in development under the name Dark Universe.

“I’m working on it,” del Toro told IGN. “I’m writing the outline and we’re already in talks with a writer. A very, very good writer. People are probably going to be happy with who we have chosen. He accepted. I’ve been courting this writer, who I think is the perfect guy for this job. We’re doing it. Hopefully it will happen.”

He then added that his main characters would be John Constantine, Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, Zatanna and her father Zatara, and Etrigan, The Demon.

“Swamp Thing, for me is a rock star,” added del Toro. The Demon, Etrigan, is amazing. And then you go to Constantine, who I thought is an amazing creation — and I want to do the Constantine of the comics. Deadman is really a lot of work, but a lot of fun…”

The first volume of Justice League Dark is out now – get it for £9.40 from