The script for a proposed Flash Gordon film is being turned into Sony this week, SciFiNow has learned.
In a telephone interview with Breck Eisner on Friday evening, the director revealed that he was submitting the draft for the film, which would echo the original comic strips by Alex Raymond. “An option we’re turning in this week to Sony actually, is a draft for a Flash Gordon film,” said Eisner. “We’re gonna try and rebuild that franchise.”
Flash Gordon has been the subject of remake news for years, but this is one of the first times since the short lived and ill-fated television series by Syfy several years ago that work has been confirmed to be going ahead. On the television show, Eisner was frank: “Oh my God, it was horrible,” he said, before elaborating on the direction that he took the material. “There’s some baggage that obviously comes with Flash Gordon, but we’re taking it back to the Alex Raymond strips. It’s in no way remaking what came before it, it’s going back to the source.”
That being said, the film will retain some modern sensibilities. “Yeah, definitely in terms of the story and the character we’re going back to the Raymond strips, but it’s going to be very modern, not campy. There’s going to be adventure, but it’s not campy in any way.”
Breck Eisner’s latest film, The Crazies, is due out on 26 February 2010, and is in the very last stages of post production.