Eli Roth’s Thanksgiving slasher is “definitely happening”

Eli Roth’s Grindhouse slasher Thanksgiving won’t be “90 minutes of a guy having sex with a turkey”

Eli Roth on set
Eli Roth on set

Speaking to gore auteur Eli Roth for a future issue of the world’s bestest sci-fi, fantasy and horror magazine, the man behind Hostel and Cabin Fever revealed exclusively to SciFiNow that he remains committed to a full-length version of his Eighties slasher spoof trailer ‘Thanksgiving’.

One of the many mock trailers from horror heavyweights that came with Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez’s original Grindhouse doublebill, Thanksgiving could follow in the footsteps of Machete and Hobo With A Shotgun, which both made the leap to full feature…

Are we ever going to see this as a full length feature?

Yeah, it is definitely happening. I don’t want to do a throwback though; I want to do a straight-faced slasher movie. I love them. I can’t get enough of them. This is a holiday slasher movie, too – you know, the sub-genre that includes stuff like My Bloody Valentine – so I want to make my contribution to that. It is going to be great.

The original trailer indicated that Thanksgiving was going to be far from serious…

No, it is going to be scary. I mean, yeah, there’s ridiculous things in the trailer – like the guy fucking the turkey – but you can’t have 90 minutes of that.

Eli Roth’s The Last Exorcism: Part 2 is in cinemas 7 June 2013. You can buy The Last Exorcism on DVD for £5 at Amazon.co.uk.