Deadpool animated series loses Donald Glover over ‘creative differences’

Donald Glover has parted ways with FX’s Deadpool animated series

The idea of a Deadpool animated series sounded incredible when it was announced last May, and then even more so when it turned out that Donald Glover (CommunityAtlanta) was attached to it. But it just wasn’t to be. Glover, Marvel Television and FX have officially parted ways.

The news comes as something as a surprise, given that network FXX seemed really confident in the idea. There was no faffing around with a pilot order, instead being given a 10-episode order straight off the bat.

In a statement, FX said: “Due to creative differences, FX, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover and Marvel Television have agreed to part ways on Marvel’s Deadpool animated series, FX will no longer be involved with the project. FX and Marvel have an ongoing relationship through our partnership on Legion, which will continue.”

Glover and his brother Stephen were the show’s creators, but it’s unclear whether FX will continue developing the series without them.

Speaking soon after the show was ordered, Marvel TV chief Jeph Loeb said: “How much more fun could this be? Deadpool, Donald and FX – the perfect fit for the Merc with the Mouth. We’re thrilled that our relationship with FX that started with Legion continues with what is sure to be a groundbreaking show in adult animation.”

Oh well.

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