They say good things come to those who wait. We might have to wait a little longer for final confirmation but, right now, Michael Shannon is the frontrunner to play Cable in Deadpool 2. You read that correctly. Michael Shannon. As Cable. In Deadpool 2.
No deal is in place just yet, but it’s bound to happen. Come on, Fox. You know it makes sense. Just do it already. We need this. The world needs this.
Cable, also known as Nathan Summers, is the son of X-Men‘s Cyclops, and first entered the Marvel canon (as Summers) in Uncanny X-Men #201 in 1986. It wasn’t until 1990 (New Mutants #87) that he finally became the Cable we all know and love.
The character eventually paired with Deadpool for the ongoing series Cable And Deadpool, in which Cable attempted to change the world for the better while Deadpool did Deadpool stuff. In the comics, Cable was born with telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

If he accepts the job, Shannon won’t be the only new cast member on board for Deadpool 2; he’ll be joining Atlanta actress Zazie Beetz.
Beetz is already set to play Domino, the mutant mercenary with exception marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat skills, and probability-altering powers. She’s a member of X-Force and helped found Six Pack, the mercenary band that introduced her to Cable.
Not much is known about the Deadpool sequel just yet, besides the fact that Cable and Domino will be in it. However, we do know a couple of things from behind the scenes: John Wick‘s David Leitch has joined the film as director after Deadpool helmer decided to up sticks and quit the franchise after experiencing creative differences with star Ryan Reynolds.
More news ought to follow soon, but in the mean time we’ll just keep our fingers crossed for Michael Shannon.
Deadpool 2 does not yet have a release date. Get all the latest superhero movie news with every issue of SciFiNow.