London Super Comic Convention – held 14 March to 15 March 2015 at London Excel Centre – has revealed its ‘Fourth Wave’ of exciting guests from the action-packed worlds of comics and cosplay.
Joining the likes of Batman heavyweight Neal Adams and Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons are:
- Annshella Cosplay (Facebook.com/AnnshellaCosplay)
- Yildiray Cinar (Artist: Legion of Super Heroes, Nobel Causes)
- Neil Edwards (Artist: Dark Avengers, Fantastic Four)
- Rahsan Ekedal (Artist: Think Tank)
- David Mack (Writer/Artist: Daredevil, Alias, Kabuki)
- Ed McGuinness (Artist: Hulk, Superman)
- Nikita Cosplay (Facebook.com/NikitaCos)
- Sabine Rich (Colourist: Grimm Fairy Tales)
- Victor Santos (Artist: Mice Templar)
- Dexter Vines (Artist/Inker: Weapon X, Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Eight)
- Christian Ward (Artist: The Infinite Vacation)
- JK Woodward (Artist: Fallen Angel)
If you love comics, you’re going to want in on this. Check out the full line-up so far at LondonSuperComicConvention.com and pick up your tickets now from as little as £18.50.