Chuck S01E11 - SciFiNow

Chuck S01E11

Episode 11: Chuck Vs The Crown Vic
US Air Date: 03/12/07
Writer: Zev Borow
Director: Chris Fisher

episode_s1_011Episode 11: Chuck Vs The Crown Vic
US Air Date: 03/12/07
Writer: Zev Borow
Director: Chris Fisher

“By the way, never trust a woman whose name is a palindrome” Sage advice from Morgan

The mission this time is for Team Chuck to stop a shipping tycoon’s bombing campaign following the discovery of his counterfeiting scheme. Chuck ‘flashes’ on a counterfeit note while installing electronics on a billionaire’s yacht, putting him on the scent. Chuck and Sarah then go undercover, with Sarah managing to gain an invite to their mark’s boat at a charity event in a casino. Chuck is forced to watch Sarah growing close to the tycoon, something he finds more than a little uncomfortable. Following a call from Morgan telling him that he’s seen Sarah and the billionaire together, Chuck races down to the docks and flashes on some crates but nothing incriminating is found, only medical supplies. This results in Casey and Sarah being taken off the case, with possible implications for their careers. Later, Morgan sends Chuck a picture of Anna and him enjoying themselves on Anna’s parent’s ship, and Chuck notices something about the crates in the picture, prompting him to flash again. A GPS device is present on the ship, designed to attract a missile. Despite initial scepticism, Casey eventually believes Chuck and they rush into action. To deflect the missile from its intended target, another GPS signal is needed – Casey’s car, the titular Crown Vic. Casey is not best pleased at this turn of events, his love of the car having been quite graphically portrayed earlier in the episode in a bizarre slow motion washing sequence replete with Firefly references. Disaster averted and justice done, Casey receives a call telling him that the new Intersect is close to working order and Chuck may no longer be required. On a happier note, Chuck and Sarah seem closer than ever at the Buy More Christmas party, with a touching scene by the Christmas tree.