Buffy cast rounds on proposed remake - SciFiNow

Buffy cast rounds on proposed remake

Television series actors denounce Buffy without Whedon.

1120330742_1883557605_bio-tvography-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-lf11Several members of the Buffy cast have denounced a proposed remake of the film that would not involve Joss Whedon.

In various interviews, Alyson Hannigan, James Marsters and Anthony Stewart-Head have said that they would not wish to be involved in such a project, and that they find it difficult to see how it would succeed without the creator at its helm.

“That’s a very big mistake in my opinion,” said Hannigan when asked about the plan by Cinema Blend. “I mean if Joss isn’t involved, it’s only the title.” The actress, who played Willow on the long-running television show, also said that she wouldn’t be contributing to the project. “Not without Joss. Joss is the only reason that we would go back. I mean, it’s just ridiculous to think of that TV show without Joss. That’s just silly to me… And all the fans know that, too, so I don’t know what they’re thinking.”

Head, who played Giles, also shared in Hannigan’s incredulity in an interview with USA Weekend: “I wouldn’t want to see it, no,” he said, before elaborating. “The [producers] Kuzuis didn’t do a great job on the movie the first time around. It was Joss’ script at the age of 19, but they changed a lot of it. They said, ‘Look, we know best and we know how to make this movie,’ and it became quite schlocky and high camp.”

Rounding off fairly damning assessments of the project’s chances, Marsters further reinforced the idea that such a move wouldn’t be possible without the involvement of Whedon in a telephone interview with SciFiNow. “Oh man, that’s going to be so funny,” said Marsters. “I feel like I should explain myself. You can’t do it without Joss, it just won’t work… just… no. But good luck to them.”