Buffy and X-Men’s Cyclops were almost cousins, says Whedon

Joss Whedon’s original plans would unite the Buffy and X-Men universes through Scott Summers

Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, in action

The Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode ‘Normal Again’ made the Slayer wonder if she was actually a delusional girl in a mental hospital. The ending, where she decided to ignore the doctors and return to Sunnydale to save her friends – supposedly all in her head – left us wondering too.

Joss Whedon’s work on the comic book Astonishing X-Men could have made things pretty clear, though.

According to Cinema Blend, he revealed at San Diego Comic-Con that he almost had Cyclops, whose real name is Scott Summers, make a reference to his cousin… who was in a mental institution and believed she was a demon hunter. In the end, there wasn’t a suitable place to wedge-in this mind-blowing information and the idea was scrapped.

We’re personally relieved that this never made it to the panels, as it would have written off the entire Buffyverse as an elaborate fantasy in a girl’s head, like a sinister twist on ‘and then she woke up and it was all a dream…’

You can pick up the complete series of Buffy The Vampire Slayer on DVD for £83.30 from Amazon.co.uk.