What we do know for certain is that Buffy creator and geek icon Joss Whedon recently turned in the first draft for Avengers Assemble 2 – with the possibility of new heroes and new villains – but where does this leave fan-favourite quim-magnet Loki?
“I don’t know, and that really is the honest answer,” actor Tom Hiddleston told MSN. “I know I’ve been known for obfuscation in other quarters, but I have no idea, I haven’t spoken to Joss. He’s definitely doing it. So I suspect not, only because I think that probably the audiences are tired of Loki being the bad guy.
“Maybe the Avengers need somebody else to fight. But I’d love to be part of it again.”
Joss Whedon’s Avengers Assemble is out now, buy it now on DVD for £8.99 or Blu-ray for £12.99 from Amazon.co.uk.