In a recent admission Robert Rodriguez made it clear that Arnold Schwarzenegger will not cameo in the upcoming Predator reboot. Yet, that is. Speaking directly to Ain’t It Cool, Rodriguez had the following to say about the matter:
“Online news is amazing, much more exciting than real life! There are so many sites saying that I’m actively pursuing Arnold! Feels like all I have to do is sit here, and let the websites do the work!”
He followed this up by reasoning with all the speculation:
“Actually, what probably happened is someone conjured that up because of my 1994 draft, that had Dutch as a main character. And then it probably just built from there.”
Rodriguez finished his email statement to Harry Knowles by discussing the future of ‘Predators’ and the chances of Arnie featuring in it:
“But no, we’re still writing a new script, and although I know Arnold personally and he’s the coolest person on the planet, I have not contacted him about this at all at this time.”
‘Predators’ is currently in the pre-production stages and we will bring you more news on this project at a later date.