Ant-Man teases Hank Pym's 1960s costume - SciFiNow

Ant-Man teases Hank Pym’s 1960s costume

Ant-Man director Edgar Wright reveals ’60s prologue for Michael Douglas’ Hank Pym

Ant-Man film Hank Pym

Scott Pilgrim and Shaun Of The Dead director Edgar Wright released a bizarre costume model on his blog that lends credence to the rumours that the Marvel movie will kick off with Hank Pym’s Ant-Man in the 1960s, while Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang steals the technology from the older Pym – played by Michael Douglas – in the future.

Ant-Man will be released on 31 July 2015. Pick up Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim Vs The WorldShaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz as one Blu-ray box-set for £16 or on DVD for £18.75 from Amazon.co.uk