Agent Carter Season 1 has been a long time coming for UK fans. However, as the series kicks off on FOX in just over a week’s time, the show’s second season is already starting to take shape in the US.
Peggy Carter actress Hayley Atwell devulges some spy secrets about the setting, plot and potential love interests that we can expect to explore in Agent Carter Season 2.
“I can tell you that it’s set in LA, it’s a year later and I imagine it being a little bit kind of LA Confidential-esque,” says Atwell. “I imagine that it will be darkly glamorous. This was the time of unsolved crimes like the Black Dahlia and organised crime and this incredibly attractive but toxic mix of celebrity and fame and money and glamour and Hollywood.
“[Peggy] spent the first season grieving over Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) so I think in the second one there will possibly be a new love interest, whether that will be Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) or someone completely new is up to the writers. They are working on that now. But I think also Jarvis (James D’Arcy) will be there, Howard (Dominic Cooper) will be there, Angie (Lyndsy Fonseca) will be there. There will be returning characters, the ones that were popular from the first season, as well as establishing some new ones.”
However, all hope is not lost for fans of ‘Cartinelli’ – the partnering of Peggy Carter and her neighbour and BFF Angie Martinelli – who were hoping for their friendship would develop into something more. The potential pairing hasn’t escaped Atwell’s attention, and she’s completely on board with it.
“They really shipped it! They were like, ‘Can they go on a date?’ and I was like, ‘Okay! Why not?’ They loved it!” she tells us. “I think it’s also partly to do with how it’s very refreshing to see a female relationship on screen that’s not competitive and bitchy and not just talking about the men. What’s the test? The Bechdel Test? Exactly. And I think there’s a little bit of that between Angie and [Peggy], and it’s really different! I mean, sadly so, but it makes it quite refreshing on screen.
“There’s a fondness for each other that is based on mutual care and consideration for each other’s needs and feelings, and they help each other out. I think there’s something really powerful about having two women depicted like that on screen. So I’m all for them. I fully support the cause.”
Agent Carter Season 1 premieres in the UK on Sunday 12 July at 9pm on FOX. Read more about the series in the latest issue of SciFiNow.