Since we first revealed the cover for Blackheart Knights and heard it described to us as “imagine Camelot but in Gotham: a city where knights are the celebrities, riding on motorbikes, not horses, and competing in televised fights for fame and money” we knew were immediately in!
In fact, we’re so excited about the fantasy novel that we’re allowing author Laure Eve to take over our Twitter account for the day to give SciFiNow’ers an insight on what an author does on the day of publication PLUS we’re partnering with Hillingdon Libraries to host a free event!
Find out more about both events below but first, here is a synopsis of the novel…
Power always wins.
Imagine a city where a young, magic-touched bastard astonishes everyone by becoming king – albeit with extreme reluctance – and a girl with a secret past trains to become a knight for the sole purpose of vengeance.
Imagine a city where magic is illegal but everywhere, in its underground bars, its back-alley soothsayers – and in the people who have to hide what they are for fear of being tattooed and persecuted.
Imagine a city where electricity is money, power the only game worth playing, and violence the most fervently worshipped religion.
Welcome to a dark, chaotic, alluring place with a tumultuous history, where dreams come true if you want them hard enough – and are prepared to do some very, very bad things to get them…
Laure Eve Twitter Takeover: 27 May
What is it like for an author on the day of publication? Is it all glitz and glamour, or is it more like a cup of tea and a celebratory Hob Nob? Well we’re about to find out as author Laure Eve takes over the @SciFiNow Twitter account on the day her rip-roaring fantasy novel Blackheart Knights is unleashed upon the world.
Not only will Laure be giving us an insight on what it’s like for an author on publication day after all the build-up and work it takes to write a novel, but she will also be letting us in on some of her inspirations on her book plus much more!
Laure will be Tweeting all day at @SciFiNow on 27 May so join us as we tentatively hand over the Twitter reins…
Laure Eve in Conversation with Samantha Shannon: 3 June
Presented by Hillingdon Libraries in collaboration with SciFiNow, Blackheart Knights author Laure Eve (above, right) will be introducing us to the world of her enthralling new fantasy novel, in conversation with Samantha Shannon (above, left), bestselling author of The Bone Season and The Priory of the Orange Tree.
Taking place on Thursday 3 June from 7pm to 8pm, this exclusive author event will take place via Zoom and is free to attend!
Simply email to book your place and joining details will be sent to you once you have booked. Find out more information here.
We’ll see you there!
Laure Eve Twitter Takeover will be taking place on 27 May. Following SciFiNow here and Laure Eve here. Laure Eve In Conversation With Samantha Shannon is on 3 June and is free. Find out more here.