Count Duckula: Win classic animation on DVD

Join the adventures of a vegetarian vampire with our latest competition to win a complete box set of classic animation Count Duckula.

count duckula

Head back to Castle Duckula next month as the vegetarian vampire with a desire for showbusiness gets his very own special release with Count Duckula: The Complete Collection, which includes all four series of the classic Cosgrove Hall animation in a seven-disc set. And not only that – we have a copy to give away!

Airing between 1988 and 1993 Count Duckula is a spin-off of the Cosgrove Hall classic Danger Mouse (in turn another Cosgrove Hall animation Victor and Hugo was a spin-off of Count Duckula based on villains Gaston and Pierre). Both Danger Mouse and Count Duckula are voiced by David Jason.

Count Duckula was a recurring villain in the Danger Mouse series having once teamed up with Danger Mouse’s arch-enemy Silas Greenback. In the Count Duckula series, Duckula is no longer villainous and is now a vegetarian due to his resurrection ritual being conducted with tomato ketchup instead of blood. And he even occasionally wears Danger Mouse-branded pyjamas.

Nickelodeon commissioned Count Duckula after Danger Mouse had become a major hit for the channel. A Nickelodeon executive saw a drawing of Duckula from his appearance on Danger Mouse and wanted him to be the star of the new show.

Barry Clayton narrates the beginning and end of every Count Duckula episode in a parody of Vincent Price’s iconic voice overs. As an expert on vampires, Price wasn’t happy that he hadn’t been approached to play the narrator (Clayton also spoke the intro to Iron Maiden’s ‘The Number of the Beast’ for which Vincent Price had originally been approached).

The five main cast members consisting of David Jason, Jack May, Brian Trueman, Jimmy Hibbert and Barry Clayton played most of the guest characters, with many additional female characters being played by Ruby Wax.

This new Complete Collection set includes interviews with Brian Cosgrove and John Doyle, plus much more and we have a copy to give away in our latest competition! To be in with a chance of winning Count Duckula: The Complete Collection, simply answer the question below…

*** Competition Expired ***

This competition closes on 3 June.

Count Duckula: The Complete Collection will be released on DVD on 3 June by Fabulous Films Ltd / Spirit Entertainment. Pre-order your copy here.

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