Top Five Sexy Vampires And Witches In TV/Film - SciFiNow

Top Five Sexy Vampires And Witches In TV/Film

On publication day of her dark fantasy romance King Of Battle And Blood, bestselling author Scarlett St Clair talks exclusively to SciFiNow about sexy vampires and witches in TV/Film. 

King Of Battle And Blood sexy vampires and witches

If something is supernatural, you can pretty much just hand it over to me immediately because I love paranormal worlds. I’m pretty ride-or-die about my favourite paranormal romance or fantasy books, but that’s not the only place I love to find sexy vampires and witches.

Here are my top five sexy vampires and witches in TV/film…

Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Who doesn’t love a good anti-hero? Spike is a charming bad boy who eventually falls in love (for real, not by dubious intervention) with Buffy—a storyline I can get behind, mostly because it embodies what I like to see in my adult romances: a toxic relationship that includes a morally gray hero on the road to becoming something far healthier and more respectable. If only Buffy had loved him back. Good thing we have Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress Series, which (bonus) doesn’t include Joss Whedon at all.

Nancy Downs from The Craft

The OG Goth Girl—for me, at least. While her progression through the film sees her becoming the villain, there are so many facets of Nancy we can relate to—from her dysfunctional family to seeking solace in something that gave her power. Nancy is the ultimate badass, comfortable with her own sexuality, confident in her appearance, and willing to confront a would-be rapist. Though, ultimately, her wish for power overtakes her, she has moments of pure, unabashed badassery that has nothing to do with magic and everything to do with how much the patriarchy can really suck.

Luke Evans as Vlad from Dracula Untold

I’ve watched a lot of Dracula retellings but my favorite Vlad to look at is Luke Evans. He is a hot warrior who sets out to avenge the death of his wife by embodying what it means to be the Dracula we know today. Now that’s true love.

Yennefer of Vengerberg from The Witcher

There is no denying the power of Yennefer. This sorceress decides she wants it all, no matter the cost of acquiring that power. It isn’t always easy, and it is evident she is a woman fighting in a world ruled by men—the sacrifices she makes are a harsh reminder—but Yennefer works hard to prove herself and forges her own path, not unlike Isolde from King of Battle and Blood.

Bo Dennis from Lost Girl

Bo has had a chaotic beginning. I mean, she kills her high school boyfriend during their first sexual encounter and, not understanding what happened, runs away believing that her “love carries a death sentence.” Later she learns she is a succubus and for the first time, she’s hopeful she can learn to use her powers. Bo is loyal, independent, and she makes her own way, often disregarding rules that dictate ‘how it’s always done.’ Bo is a sex-positive bisexual badass who refuses to let anyone tell her how to live her life. Bonus: The sex scenes between Bo and Lauren/Bo and Dyson makes this love triangle one worth getting behind.

King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St Clair is out now from Bloom Books.