Exclusive excerpt: The Unkillable Princess by Taran Hunt

Dive into the thrilling sequel to The Immortality Thief with our exclusive excerpt from The Unkillable Princess, releasing on 6 February 2025, in the UK.

How far would you go for family? Author Taran Hunt is back with more daring sci-fi adventures with The Unkillable Princess, book two of The Kystrom Chronicles and we’re so excited for its release that we’re sharing an exclusive excerpt from the book!

But first, check out the official synopsis for The Unkillable Princess…

Having escaped the dangers of the Nameless with the Philosopher Stone data, Sean thought his troubles were over. Until he gets a call for help from Brigid–his long-dead sister.

Brigid is sparse on the details, but she needs Sean to go to the Republican city of Illin to retrieve something called a “Purifier” for her. Reeling from the desperate hope that his sister is alive, Sean aims for Illin, dragging his new companions, Tamara Gupta formerly a Republican soldier, and Indigo, the Minister responsible for the destruction of Sean’s home, into the fray.

But as usual, Sean hasn’t quite thought this through. The three of them are all wanted by Republican authorities, and Illin happens to be on the same planet as Sean’s old friend Senator Ketel. Y’know, the one who blackmailed and nearly murdered Sean. With every move Sean makes he discovers more intrigue, more people on his tail, and more ways that his little adventure could be the spark for war between the Republic and the Ministers. And to what end? Is it really his sister, a chance for family, and safety, on the other side?

Want to join Sean, Tamara and Indigo on their mission to retrieve the Purifier? Well, we have to wait until February for the release of The Unkillable Princess, but if you simply, impossibly can’t wait until then, we have an exclusive excerpt from the book right here at SciFiNow!

Click here to read Chapter One of The Unkillable Princess.

The Unkillable Princess by Taran Hunt will be released in paperback, eBook, and audiobook on 4 February 2025 in the US and on 6 February 2025 in the UK.

Read our exclusive author article by Taran Hunt here, where she tells us five times when different languages are used in interesting ways in SFF…